Saturday, August 11, 2007

From Visiting Old Friends to IVs

We went to visit my good friend Julie and her kiddos this week in Houston. We have had it planned for months. So I got my car loaded with all of our necessary items. Hubby headed to the PGA tourney in Tulsa and was hanging out with Tiger Woods:)

Well, we enjoyed our first night of our visit. Thursday morning MK woke up throwing up!! YUCK. So after several episodes we packed the car up again, and hit the road back to Bryan. After even more episodes at home I called the Dr. who told us to come in for a shot. So off we go. Once there it was determined that she needed to be admitted to the hospital. (Remember, my hubby is out of town!) Luckily my good friends The Wests came to my rescue and took A to their house until family was able to come and get her. Hubby left the tourney a day early and headed back to see MK in the hospital. We stayed overnight hooked up to IV pumping her with fluids and antibiotics. Friday afternoon we came home with a little girl who is back to normal. (Only seems to want grilled cheese.) Thank goodness she's better. I hate seeing her so sick! She was a trooper patient. Using great manners with the nurses and doctors. She did not like being stuck all the time. "No more bloodwork!" she said!


brickmomma said...

so glad she got better so quickly. that must have been so scary!! ps will she be in preschool this year? i am teaching again!