Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby!

It's been 7 years since I married the most wonderful man! Here are 7 things I love about him
1. He's a hard worker and very good at what he does.
2. He's an amazing father and his 2 little girls adore him!
3. He is very affectionate and loves to give hugs!
4. He lets me watch my shows on the living room TV after the girls go to bed.
5. He plans neat surprises for me.
6. He calls me during the day, just to say hello.
7. He loves the Lord and is a great leader for our family:)

Happy Anniversary Babe!

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girl!

Well my baby is officially 1! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. She is walking all over the place and is such a funny little girl. I have truly loved every minute of this last year with her. It's so great the 2nd time to not be so uptight and worried and just enjoy the moments! Her b-day was on the 16th and we had a party on Saturday, the 17th. We've had a busy weekend celebrating!