Sunday, April 27, 2008

Total Opposites

We went to the grill for a swim last night and to eat dinner.
Molly LOVES to swim, except when it involves going under water! But she LOVES it!

But Ally...she didn't dare even stick a toe in the water! She's more content to drink water and watch!

MY BUSINESS: I started a business of home staging. Mainly new builder homes that are on the market and vacant. With my mom's help we completed our first job this weekend. We staged 3 homes here at Traditions. Yes 3, at one time! Lots of work. I'll be taking before and after pictures this week after the homes are cleaned. I will hope to have more news on this subject soon. By the way our company name is Simply Staged, LLC. It's fun!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

As Dora says, "I DID IT!"

I met my weight loss goal!! Lost 13.2 pounds!!! I did it, I did it, I did it, YEA!

Oh, and I started my business....more to come on this in the coming days!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


to share this precious picture of 2 Aggie sisters:)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Association of Future Students

We decided to take the girls to the Spring Maroon & White Football game. They had a great time and enjoyed themselves for the entire 1.5 quarters that we stayed! Molly did great, Ally will not be attending another sporting event until she's 3! We got to sit with our friends, The Wests, so the girls enjoyed talking to Miss Waverley.

Gig 'Em Ags!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here comes the Bride

A couple of weekends ago we helped host a Couples Shower for my cousin who is getting married on May 17th. I included some pics from the festive weekend.

The Bride, Nicole, is in the middle. And my sister in law Laura is on the left.

Me and Geoff at the party!

Nicole and Molly, the best Flower Girl Ever!!

Looking forward to the big day Nic and Jamey!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Buzz, Moo, and a Bluebonnet Too!

Well, Ally is still taking her mega dose of antibiotic,but is doing MUCH better. Thank you all for thinking of her;)

Well, springtime in Texas calls for the obligatory Bluebonnet photos. We always wait until the flowers are almost gone. Our "spot" had been plowed down for construction this year and I was not impressed with our pickings. You would think that with a 4.5 year old and a 17 month old you might get a decent picture. We had 4 attempts.


(A bit bright...not good with the sun in our face!)

(ok, it is waaaaay too bright!)

#2 move across the street---notice who is NOT in the pictures...she was SCREAMING! because a bumblebee buzzed by!

(I'm trying as hard as possible not to look at the camera or to smile;)

(ok, enough!)

Attempt #3, down the street around the corner. Found some cows!

Attempt #4, close to attempt #2-- away from bees

Thank goodness no more of this madness until next spring!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Poor Baby!

Thursday at MOPS Mrs. Jennifer was smart enough to notice that Ally felt warm. Then Mrs.Jamee took her temperature and it was 102.8. Well, we are in Waxahachie visiting family and her fever has been quite high for 2 days. Last night it hit 104.4 and we went to the ER (right at bedtime). Four hours later we left with our baby still wide awake with a diagnosis of pneumonia in her right lung. She had to start on antibiotics immediately. So we went to a 24 hour pharmacy only to wait 1.5 hours for the meds. We are all tired today and hoping our little one gets over this quickly!!! Thank you ladies, for noticing that I had a sick little girl, because other than the fever and a little bit of a runny nose she's been running around and acting normal.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why I dislike living in a college town...

For the most part I don't mind but I do mind when:

I get awoken by our house phone line ringing at midnight by "Private Caller"
Me: "Hello?"
Caller: "Hey, what's going on??"
Me: "Um, who is this?"
Caller: "Brian."
Me: "Brian who?"
Caller: "Brian So and So something with a F."
Me: "I think you have the wrong number."
Caller: "No I don't."
Me: "Um, yes you do."
Caller: "Is this Brandi?"
Me: "No. (Should've said No, this is Emily a 30 year old lady with 2 small children trying to sleep!!)"

College kids, they need to be extremely careful when calling numbers in the middle of the night!!