Friday, February 13, 2009

Perfect Date

Molly and her Daddy finally went on their date (since they missed the Daddy/Daughter dance). Molly chose Red Lobster. They had a fun time. Molly Kate is so blessed to have her daddy...and I am so thankful that he can show her how she should be treated on a date.


Tammy Myers said...

What a cool event. Sorry they had to miss it but glad they could go now. Molly looks so pretty and grown up! Geoff you clean up pretty good too! You all take care.

Mary said...

Oh that is just the cutest thing ever! Makes me look forward to my girl(s) doing that with Sean :)

Michelle said...

That is so sweet! Molly looks precious. I love the dress.

Heather said...

That is the sweetest thing!

She looks so beautiful!

The Wests said...

So glad they finally got to go out! Molly looks so pretty!

Jenny Seymore said...

It gave me goosebumps to see Molly smiling so big! I'm so glad that she'll always have that memory with her Daddy! What a great family you have.

Kelly said...

So sweet. It looks like they had a great time!