Thursday, April 23, 2009

Allers and Her Allergies

Molly has eye problems, Ally's problem is her skin. She has eczema. We noticed it when she was around 5 or 6 months old. Poor thing has really bumpy, itchy skin 99% of the time.

I finally took her for allergy testing last week. A friend at Ally's music class was saying her son had allergy induced eczema and was allergic to all kinds of foods, etc that irritated his skin. So off we went last Wednesday. It was a 4.5 hour procedure, that I was dreading, but went pretty well. They had to stick her little back probably 75 times testing for all kinds of allergies. Turns out, she is allergic to cats, grass and some trees. Thankfully, no food allergies. The doctor believes that Ally's allergies are not related to her eczema. So we are now on 3 creams/lotions and 2 antihistamines....I am noticing less itching.

We had to go to the hospital for blood work as well. They called yesterday to tell me they lost part of her blood sample in transit to Austin so we had to go for a redraw today... not fun for a poor 2 year old. Last week they had numbing cream on her arms, so she didn't know what was going on. Today, no numbing cream and she had to be poked twice to find a vein. Poor girl was not happy about that... but she did get 2 cool green arm bandages to show for it:)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Elephants, Eggs, and Ear Infections

I know, I know, I promised to be a better blogger and it's been too long AGAIN! My mom has been on my case to get some pictures up here, so in taking a break from cleaning my house, I'll try to post a blog before Ally wakes up from her nap.

We had a fun, long Easter weekend. It started on Thursday with a surprise trip to the circus for the Myers girls. The circus was at 7 and at 6 we told them we were going. They were super excited. We had 2nd row seats and got to see all the action up close. Molly liked it, but she had already been to a circus before. Ally was in awe. This was her first experience. She just sat and watched, ate her popcorn, and clapped all the time.

Here are the girls watching the circus....Molly LOVED the cotton candy...Ally wouldn't even try it...go figure.

Our view of an elephant!

On Saturday, the day before Easter, we headed to Waxahachie to spend Easter with my family. Ally was running a high fever all weekend --- turns out it was an ear infection, so Easter Morning, my mom opted to stay home from church with her. But she HAD to put on her dress....

Here are the girls with Nolan at Mimi and Pops house.

Geoff's sister - Jessica - also known as Aunt Sisi, drove to Wax from Dallas to join us Easter morning.

When the sun finally came out we headed out back for an Easter Egg Hunt.

Jamey and Nicole brought Wii over and Molly loved the bowling game!

Isn't my nephew just precious? He is 16 months and so much fun:)

Ok--one more pic-- not from Easter. Today was Field Day at Molly's school. After being outside for 2 hours they had to move the events indoors due to the rain. When I got there they were already inside, so the only pic I got was one of Molly and her very best friend in her class, Beth. What cuties.

Ok - Ally is officially taking her longest nap EVER- going on 3 hours, thank you rain!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Texas Bluebonnets

My life seems to be going at warp speed, trying to keep my head on straight!!! I have truly neglected my blog...Promise to be a better blogger soon!!!

So here's a picture of the girls in the bluebonnets in 2009... Molly is 5, Ally is 2

And check out these precious babes in 07! Molly is 3 Ally is 5 months!

And check out that crazy chick Molly age 16 months!
