Saturday, July 25, 2009

Different Road

I have made the decision to go forward with training for my very first 1/2 marathon! I plan to run the White Rock in Dallas on December 13th.

I used to HATE to run. In high school I remember our cheer coach making us run 2 miles at the track. I thought I for sure would die right there. HS girls, do you remember this? It was pure torture.

My dad is a runner. Since I was tiny I remember him waking in the dark hours of the morning and going for a run. Usually a few miles. He ran races, and a few marathons. Running is not genetic!!!

Through the years I have given running a try. It is usually short lived.

This past January I started a running program thru my church. I was tired of paying for a gym membership and wanted to give running yet another try. I started out very slow, ran my first 5K, then another. I can say now that when I am running it actually feels good. I've been busy with bootcamp the last few months so my running has been here and there. I ran 3 miles the other day in the heat and kept thinking, OH MY, I'd still have 10 more to go!!!

Say a prayer for me over the next few months. Pray that my almost 32 year old body can hold up during the process. Also, Geoff is planning on doing the Marathon the same day-- pray our running schedules won't conflict as we train!

I'll try to blog about this process so that you all can feel my pain:)


Kelly said...

Very excited and proud of you! I am in awe of people who can do that. My sister's boyfriend does triathalons all the time. I am so not cut out for that. I'd be happy to watch the girls over here some evenings for you to run. I way owe you on playdates. haha

Michelle said...

I am planning on doing the half in November. I ran my very first half the April before getting pregnant with Brody, and it was awesome. The long runs are hard to fit into your busy schedule, but stick to it and you will be so glad! The first 10 miles are a was the last three that got me! Good luck!!!

Mary said...

Um yes I remember those runs...nearly killed me too. I'm pretty sure I always finished after you!

Thanks for the encouragement lately :) Yes I'd love to see y'all when you're in town. Let me know in advance--I'm guessing I go much more often than you do!

Lisa said...

Great for you...I think it is so important for our kids to see us active!!! I cannot wait to start running again after this baby. You should be so proud of yourself!!! Keep us posted on the progress

mommaof3 said...

I was talking to Wendy about this tonight! I might really do it too!

The Wests said...

Oh goodness I just saw the tutu pictures! So adorable!!! And I'm really proud of you for being such a runner!!

Rachel and Ian Kirkland said...

GO EM GO!!! I'll be cheering you on, from the blog sidelines of course, prob. eating some ice cream while you are running in that heat! :) in all seriousness though, that is awesome!

Sam and Courtney said...

You will do GREAT!!! Let me know if you ever need a running partner while you are training! I'm sure you are much faster than me, but at least it would be a little company! :)

HaileyB said...

I'll miss you at boot camp, but I admire what you are doing! Maybe I'll join you one day. :-) Keep us posted!