Friday, August 21, 2009

First Day of the rest of her Life

***Sadly my computer got a virus and I have been without a computer and have failed to blog about a very important day***

On Friday, August 14th my beautiful firstborn started KINDERGARTEN.

I can't believe 5 years have flown by me already. Molly is in all day Kindergarten at Brazos Christian. She went there last year for PreK. I LOVE the school and her teacher. I am so excited to watch her grow and mature over this school year.

She was truly excited about being in Kindergarten and eagerly awaited that first day. I had mixed emotions. On one hand I was ready--ready for routine and to know that she was doing something productive and I didn't have to entertain her all day. On the other hand, it's hard to send your baby off to school. Especially staying home with her these last 5 years, we have spent A LOT of time together and I will certainly miss that. But I know that she is in wonderfully loving and caring hands and that it is all part of life.

So on to the pictures---

My big girl - ready for her big day

Ally--doesn't want her sister to go.

Molly and her AWESOME teacher Mrs. Taylor. We love Mrs. Taylor. But shame on her for that package of Kleenex and first day of Kinder poem that I put away and still haven't read and probably won't until Christmas!!


Kelly said...

Such cute pictures. I put the poem away too, and who knows if/when I will read it. lol

Mary said...

Can't imagine...I'm glad Ally can keep you company! My mom said it was always hard when we first started but it helped her to see how excited we were :) Good Luck!

The Wests said...

just can't believe how grown up she is!

Tammy Myers said...

I'm sorry to say that it doesn't get any easier when they are older. Cute pictures! It will be fun to hear what all she does each day.

HaileyB said...

Molly looks so grown up! The headband instead of the bow is what's doing it. The picture of Ally hugging Molly makes me want to cry. So sweet! Was Ally upset?

Rachel and Ian Kirkland said...

she looks so adorable in her little uniform! i can't believe he is already in school! they grow up way too fast!!!!

Susan said...

She looks so pretty for her first day of kindergarten. It is so hard to believe that they are no longer in preschool, huh? I really can relate to your emotions you described in your post! Sad and happy times!

Allison said...

Wow, Molly looks so much older in these photos. She's grown up so much! What a beautiful, precious little kindergartener. Good luck to Molly and Mommy!