Saturday, March 29, 2008

Watch out Ladies

My nephew is getting so big and so darn cute. Just had to share this picture of him with his curls. Watch out Ladies, Here's Nolan at 3.5 months!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

I could not make this up!!

Got a crazy story for you!
Let me preface this by saying that only these types of things happen to me...

Yesterday the Aggies played BYU in the first round of NCAA tourney. They won!! Anyway, we had about 15 people over for a watching party. When Geoff got home from work I ran down to the corner gas station to get some ice and an extra bag of chips at the last minute. This is one time that I didn't take my cell phone. I thought I would only be a couple of minutes. WRONG! Advice: Always take the phone!

After getting my needed items, I went out to get in the car. Did I mention I drove Geoff's new car he's had for about 6 weeks? The suburban parked in the handicapped spot next to me was way over in my spot. I couldn't get in the car on the driver's side. I saw the Suburban girl (looks 12, later discovered she's 17) getting in the car, so I patiently waited on the sidewalk for her to leave so I could get in the car. Did I mention she parked in Handicapped spot? She is not handicapped!

Girl could not drive! Especially an older model ginormous suburban! After attempting to back several times, back and forth, she kept inching closer to Geoff's car! I finally screamed that she was about to hit my car!

Here's where I made a poor choice. I stepped between our 2 vehicles and told her (thru the passenger window that was down) that I would help direct her out while standing there so she didn't hit the car. I even told her I could back it out, as I drive a big car and could do it easily. The girl, who is very strange (poor kid), ignores me and keeps trying to get out. I keep yelling turn the wheel this way, the way that would get her away from my car.

The next thing I know ....BAM... She hits ME!!! And pins me between a gargantuan suburban and my car. I am in hysterics, leg amputations running thru my head! Luckily she had enough sense to back up and not go forward more. Then I turn around and there's a huge dent in the Camry!

Long story short. She says she has no insurance. I call the cops, she's screaming to call her mom. The 2 guys that work at Exxon were loving it! Needless to say Geoff and her mom showed up,her mom had insurance, it was her car. Girl only has had her lisence for 1 month and only driven alone a couple of times. We exchanged insurance and were on our way to our party.

My leg is all scraped up and was throbbing all night. A friend at the party called her doctor friend and got some instructions for me. It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would today, but hey I got a good story to tell.

The evidence....keep in mind the dent is from me! Hitting my car while being pushed by another! Those who know me well, know that something like this would only happen to me!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mommy decisions are hard!

For the past few weeks/months we have been going back and forth with our decision regarding Molly's school next year. I love where she is and would love to keep her there. However, the private school across the street (where she is def. doing Kindergarten) has an excellent Pre-K program. It will be super convenient for her to be so close. Geoff can see the playground from his office window. And we've heard it's very beneficial for them do PreK there if they will be there for K.

Anyways. She will go everyday, all day. 8-3. It breaks my heart to think that she's already starting school so soon. I can't believe I am at this point in parenthood already. Shouldn't she still be potty training or something?? (NO!) My days with her have been so precious and I'm so sad that they are ending so soon.

I can't imagine the basket case I will be when school starts! No mascara for me for sure.

Just posting about this because we had one of our final meetings with admissions today about her testing she had to do. Which she did very well on by the way.

Any advice from mommies who've been thru this before??

On a happier new diet/exercise regimin is paying off. Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks!! Only about 10 more to go to reach my goal!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shopping with Celebs

Ok, I'm in Waxahachie, Texas and today I am shopping around downtown in some boutiques. First, I hear that there this girl is going to be an extra in a movie, but I was not really paying attention much. Then, next store, I am shopping all by my lonesome (the Hatch is not a shopping metropolis esp. on a Tuesday afternoon). In walks this girl. A very pretty girl with a baby strapped to her front. I keep looking thinking who is this girl, did we go to school together? She's too pretty not to remember her. Then I hear her talk and it hits me. She's Terri Polo of Meet the Parents fame! Yes, she's in town shooting a movie.

I wasn't for sure it was her until I left, then I kicked myself for not asking her to hang out with me in the Hatch.

Spring Break

We are enjoying our break up here in Dallas.Geoff and I got to go to a fancy Dallas hotel on Sunday night and shop all day Monday. We got to schmooze (aka: walk by)with Troy Aikman at dinner on Sunday.

The girls are enjoying their visit with Mimi and Pops. Today is keep baby Nolan day. Tomorrow is fun day for the girls, not sure what yet. Thursday is get my hair done day! Friday we go home.

Here is a pic of the cousins. Thankfully, Nolan is laid back and doesn't mind these crazy cousins of his.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Catch up.

Lots of things happening in and around our household....
-Bargain Blitz is over! It was a hard 3 days, but we did it! We were able to raise over $20,000! Yay! Bargain Blitz is Jr. League's annual rummage sale, I was on the committee this year.
-Ally had her 15 month check-up (yes, she is almost 16 months old). She is a growing girl, off the charts for height. Although, I think that has something to do with the fact that she's really almost 16 months and not just 15 months old and her hair and bow add an inch or two!
-It snowed this morning in Bryan...not much,but Molly and Ally were excited to see the flakes.
-Molly is doing great at school. They held their Rodeo Day this morning. Lots of fun was had, and only a few tears were shed. That's great for us.
-We are getting ready for Spring Break. Heading to Waxahachie on Sunday. Looking forward to our visit, I haven't been there in almost 2 months! That's a record for me. Geoff and I are staying in Dallas one night for some relaxation, shopping and fine dining.

Here are some pics from our life lately. ( I have a picture of me from Blitz in the dumpster (yes, lovely) but it's on Geoff's phone, so we'll see if I can get it on here eventually).

Molly trying on her Cowgirl Boots!

Molly and Ally-Loving Sissies

Molly looking out the dining room at the snow. "Why does it snow in springtime?"

Hoe Down! Molly and Kaleigh twirling and spinning!!

Coldest Hayride ever! Guess who forgot their coat? ME!

I don't want this about a bite Daddy?