Saturday, December 20, 2008

An Island Christmas

Thursday night Molly's school had their Christmas Program. This year's theme was Caribbean Christmas. Everyone did a good job! The PreK and Kindergarten girls did a Hula dance.
The video is kind of hard to see because we were back a few rows. But Molly is in the middle, easy to spot because she is the only one with glasses!!

Here is Ally during the performance.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Mary said...

Soooo cute! I can't wait until we have Christmas programs to go to and watch the kids (maybe) cooperate!

Lisa said...

I could eat up those adorable!!! Have a wonderful CHristams...miss you

HaileyB said...

Aaawww! Jenna does the same thing! Everytime I pull out the regular camera or the video camera she says, "Cheeeeeese!" I love Ally's dress!

It looks like Molly did a really good job with the hula! So cute!

The Barnards said...

I am worried about my little blogging friend. Are you still out there? I haven't seen any Christmas pics yet!