Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here Comes Summer...

We have been crazy busy with end of the year happenings. Molly is only in PreK and Ally is just my tag-along buddy so I can't imagine how much busier we will be in the years to come. Molly completed her year of Pre-Kindergarten at Brazos Christian. We LOVE the school and feel so blessed that God led us to the PreK program. Last year I was indecisive for a while as to if I wanted her to go ( I didn't want to put her in "school" before I had to). But I feel like it was the best decision we could have made. She has matured so much and made so many precious adorable friends. She is thrilled to be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Can't believe my baby will be in Kindergarten. These 5 years have gone too fast.

BCS had an end of the year swim party last week, here is Molly in the pink headed for the water.

Molly had her awards program the day after the swim party. Here she is with two of her sweet friends, Charli and Emma.

Molly received the award for the Godly characteristic of Orderliness. So Molly. Everything has to be a certain way, in it's place. Wonder who she got that from:)

Here is Molly and her assistant teacher, Mrs. Ford. We love Mrs. Ford. Thankfully we've already ran into her at HEB once since school has been out so we hope to see her there throughout the summer.

And here she is with her teacher Mrs. Wipke. Mrs. Wipke has such a way with these kids. She's amazing. Heard a rumor she's moving up to Kinder so maybe we'll be blessed to have her again.

The day after awards was Dance Recital. I must say I can't figure out if Molly enjoys dance. We haven't decided if we are staying in it for next year. We are exploring our options.

Here she is on stage. Molly's class were brides. One of their dances was to "Love and Marriage". It was really cute. They did a great job.

Molly and her friend Addie striking a pose.

We are ready for summer and all our activities. Swim lessons, trip to Colorado, Dance Camp, Art Camp, gymnastics, trip to Galveston, weddings, and much more!


Emmy said...

Molly is so pretty!! She always has that sincere smile. Cute pictures.

Michelle said...

Sounds like a crazy time! Molly is so cute in her little dance costume. I sure hope Kate likes dance long enough for a recital and costume!

The Barnards said...

Glad you made it through those crazy few days. Molly looks so cute!

The Wests said...

Can't wait for our gymnastics class to start next week!