Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Looth Tooth No More...

Molly sounds a little different these see she has a gaping hole in her smile;)

We discovered Molly had her first loose tooth on Monday, June 1st. Seventeen days later that sucker came out. It got really loose last week on our Colorado vacation (blog coming soon--promise) while eating a hamburger. Since then it's barely been hanging on.

This morning she woke up and told me she had pulled it out. Better her than me. So tooth fairy is making an appearance tonight. Look at that smile.


Kelly said...

Wow, what a big girl. She looks adorable.

Rachel and Ian Kirkland said...

sooooooooooo precious! your girls are darling!

Mary said...

Beautiful! You must be so proud :) I remember begging my Dad to pull my teeth so I wouldn't have to do it. I think Graham offered a few times too!

Alisha Beard said...

Yeah, Molly! Katelyn is anxiously awaiting her first loose tooth, but Dr. Smith says it may be a while :(