Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2 Dancing Princesses

Here are the girls today before their photo shoot. A friend of a friend made their adorable tutus...they are "tutu" cute. Let me know if you want her info to order one for your dancing princess:)


Lisa said...

Sooooo cute!!!

Michelle said...

They are so precious! Molly looks JUST LIKE YOU!

Jenny Seymore said...

Oh how I need a girl! They are too adorable and if I were that age I would be needing one of those tutus in every color!!

Alisha Beard said...

I can't believe how much older Ally looks with her new "Suri" cut!

Jen Crane said...

oh my word!! too cute! and i love ally's bangs! they make her look so much older! :) i miss those girls!!

i have been meaning to call you back - hope all is well in aggieland! :) we sure miss you guys - can't wait to see you in the fall!

love you!