Monday, July 28, 2008

Paddlin' Pigtail Posse

We do not smile---we just won't do it--- no matter how silly our mom acts behind the lens!!


Lisa said...

I LOVE the kids and husband act the same darn way. It drives me crazy. Your girls don't have to smile they are beautiful no matter what they do!!!

Jennifer said...

They still look precious! How big they are getting!!

Susan said...

Very Cute Girls!!!

I hope your friends baby is doing better. I have kept them in my prayers.

Michelle said...

That picture is PRECIOUS!

Allison said...

Cute pictures! I left a comment on your vacation one about a place to stay. Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Quiltermama said...

CUTIES!!! :-)

johnna said...

ADORABLE! Let's get the girls together soon to play. I'm sure Molly can teach Joy a thing or too as I know she is older and wiser. ;)

Heather said...

So precious! I can't wait until Peyton has enough hair for piggy's. I swear she'll be four before she has any hair!

Warner Family said...

They all of a sudden look so much older! Have a great trip!