Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An Adventure with Super Bee

At Molly's school they have a special treat. Every day "Super Bee" goes home with a special boy or girl who behaved and had a super day. Molly has been eagerly awaiting "her" day! Yesterday when I picked her up she lugged this huge bee into the car ready for an adventure. Part of the treat is you have to take Super Bee on an adventure...write a story (mom's job) about what he did and draw a picture.

So...we took Super Bee to the pool. He got to ride in a golf cart and watch Molly swim underwater from a chair. He was nice enough to take care of Molly's glasses for her while she was swimming and keep an eye on Ally's Dora.

We topped off the night with a trip to one of Molly's favorite restaurants, Fish Daddys. According to her, they have the BEST chicken tenders ever. Super Bee enjoyed watching the fish in the fish tank.

Molly slept with Super Bee last night, when we went in to check on her before we went to bed, she had her arms tightly around that big huge bee. Congrats Molly Kate!


Jennifer said...

Very cute! Glad she's enjoying school so much! She's doing a BEE-utiful job! See you guys Thursday if you're going to meet the teacher.

Oh, and my sister cannot be Ally's new fave teacher!!

Jenny Seymore said...

She is the cutest thing! What a "huge" prize/award to lug (sp?) around!!

Quiltermama said...


My son had "Take Home Teddy" when he was in 3 year olds, and that was the best memory!!!

Congrats Molly!!! :-)

Heather said...

That is so precious!! I love the glasses on Super Bee!

I bet she was so proud!

Michelle said...

What a super prize for being such a super girl! Congrats!

Natalie said...

What a fun reward! She is adorable and she looks very proud of her super bee, which she should be!

HaileyB said...

It sounds like Super Bee had a great day with Molly. I bet he loved his time at the pool. Congratulations to Molly!

Kelly said...

Yay Molly! Bringing home Super Bee is always such a treat. It looks like they had a really fun time!

brickmomma said...

Must have been all of that training in 3 yr old preschool...ha ha!!

Way to go sweet Molly! I am proud of you!!!